User: indaero - 5/31/2007 10:40:45 AM
User: DriveHQ Webmaster - 5/31/2007 10:03:30 AM
Please note the encrypted files must be stored in the \My Documents\My Encrypted Data\ folder (or its subfolders). You have manually moved the encrypted files to a different location.
In this case, w
More... Sorry about this, but one more thought. In synching, I am presented with the choices of "Overwrite remote" or "Overwrite Local" or "Overwrite older" or "Skip". I believe I may have chosen "Overwrite
More...Please take these steps to recover encrypted files:
(1) Make a copy of your local encrypted files; but don't delete any files. (just for safety)
(2) Delete the synchronization task via the menu: Tools -> Manage Synchronization;
(3) Rename the encrypted folder back to its original name. "My Encrypted Data"
(4) Copy all files back to local. The local files should have been automatically decrypted.
The reason it overwrites your local files is because: after you renamed the Encrypted Folder name, the software treated the encrypted files as un-encrypted, then it treated the files as being different from your local files. In a synchronization process, it then overwrites older files, which you clicked Ok.