I tried several dlls. Im wasnt an expert but now i have got some knowledge about it. I invested about 20 hours on this issue.
It works with some dlls. At the moment i use a dll from WinSCP. Unfortunatelly this one is pretty slow. I still would like to improve the performance. But I either pay 150$ for the dll from chilkat (which works fast and reliable, but is only a 30 days trial.) or i stay with this one that is slow and only works in 50% of the time.
As its very hard to solve this specific problem. I wanted to point out that filezilla doesnt allow me to create folders.
220 Welcome to the most popular FTP hosting service! Save on hardware, software, hosting and admin. Share files/folders with read-write permission. Visit http://www.drivehq.com/ftp/;
Befehl: AUTH TLS
Antwort: 234 AUTH Command OK. Initializing TLS connection.
Status: Initialisiere TLS...
Status: Überprüfe Zertifikat...
Befehl: USER CCZeroHour
Status: TLS/SSL-Verbindung hergestellt.
Antwort: 331 User name ok, need password.
Befehl: PASS ********
Antwort: 230 User logged on.
Befehl: SYST
Antwort: 215 UNIX emulated by DriveHQ FTP Server.
Befehl: FEAT
Antwort: 211-Extensions supported:
Antwort: SIZE
Antwort: MLSD
Antwort: MLST
Antwort: NLST
Antwort: MDTM
Antwort: MFMT
Antwort: MFCT
Antwort: MFF Create;Modify;
Antwort: UTF8
Antwort: 211 END
Befehl: OPTS UTF8 ON
Antwort: 200 Enable UTF8 mode.
Befehl: PBSZ 0
Antwort: 200 PBSZ Command OK. Protection buffer size set to 0.
Befehl: PROT P
Antwort: 200 PROT Command OK.
Status: Verbunden
Status: Empfange Verzeichnisinhalt...
Befehl: PWD
Antwort: 257 "/" is current directory.
Befehl: TYPE I
Antwort: 200 Type set to I
Befehl: PASV
Antwort: 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,220,9,51,16,74).
Befehl: MLSD
Antwort: 150 Connection accepted
Antwort: 226 Transfer complete
Status: Anzeigen des Verzeichnisinhalts abgeschlossen
Status: Erstelle Verzeichnis '/Bans'...
Befehl: MKD Bans
Antwort: 550 Can't create directory. Permission denied.
Befehl: MKD /Bans
Another Problem: I have a sub Group user that cant login everytime. Shortly there was a message in Filezilla that there is the need of another deposit. This was not true and some minutes later it worked again. This is a relevant problem for me.