User: ATS Roland - 5/16/2008 10:52:37 AM
User: DriveHQ Webmaster - 5/7/2008 2:10:26 PM
Just checked your account and it seems you have added the user back?
If you have deleted a user from your group, but kept the user account as a standalone account, you can add it back by using "Add Existing User"; otherwise, you can simply create a new user account.
If you have disabled a sub-account, you can re-enable it in "Group Admin".
I cannot restore a deleted user, I cannot create a new user name using a previously used e-mail because I get Create sub user failed, the email is already used! .
All this happen because I tried to move a collaborator from a sub-group to another.
Does it means that a deleted member cannot be reactivated using its own e-mail ?
When you delete a user, you can delete it completely from, or remove it from your group. If you remove it from your group, the user account becomes a standalone account.
If you want to add it back, you can use "Add an Existing User" in the "Group Admin" page. Note in this case, the user must accept your invitation. (For security reason, you cannot grab a standalone user into your group without his approval).