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1/27/2025 11:20:46 PM

Please tell us which web browser you use and on which OS platform. The interface is optimized for PCs and MACs. You should be able to compose a message on PC or MAC, see the screenshot below. Otherwise, you can send an email to us directly. 

1/28/2025 8:25:07 AM

 laptop win 10 pc.  probaly pc bogged down from way too many Chrome browser tabs open. Somehow this reply window is working

I;m trying to get at least 4 cams working to watch my house when we're away. . Older Panasonic & D-link. BL-c10a, BL-c20 and some other Panasonics . of the same vintage/family, & D-Link DCS 930L.

I;m working on it

My free trial is over. I have one can set to ftp,on timer but Cameraftp is showing multiple motion detection events. I may have at one point had the cam set for motion detection. At one point after I added a name in the camera, it was showing up as 2 cameras

 From previour experrience with no longer working manufacturer provided DDNS. Motion detection on outdoor cameras sends thousands of images, I can no londer get email images from the cams. The panasonics dont support SSL for email

I'm still working out issues with camera connections, wifi, wifi extender, or wired, fuzzy image from one can in a backyard shed looking through a window. Cams have been in use for years with the no longer working DDND or email. Never been relible for more than a frew weeks, if lucky.

I don't expect to stop an intruder. I want to be able to remotly see that nothing has happened. One indoor cam will have a view of a thermometer in it's field of view. 

I'm thinking 4 cameras, FTPing 640x480 images once a minutet will work at reasonable cost. My intrrnet id DSL over a land line. up to 6 or 7 whatever the units per second are, 

Really only need this when we're away, like a winter travel month and a summer.fall travel month. Otherwise were retirees at home. I wonder if it's all set up, service can be  suspended and starting again. without reconfiguring everything. . But if it's like $6 a month i don't care it it needs to stay

So. I;m working on it. I should be subscribing at some level soon. I need it working in February

1/28/2025 10:53:45 AM

Based on your information, the cost will be only $1.50/camera/month. So for 4 cameras, it will be only $6/month. If you order yearly, the price is even lower at $60/year.

Users can sign up, order or cancel online themselves very easily. However, please note CameraFTP is a cloud service provider. It cannot remotely control or configure your camera. You need to configure the cameras yourself based on the instructions online. Please visit, click Cameras. You can see a lot of camera brands/models. Even if your brand/model is not listed, please read a few Setup Guide documents. The steps are often similar.

(Based on the plan level, sometimes we can offer remote desktop support via DriveHQ Team Anywhere. However, you must be able to connect to your camera's configuration interface from a PC. We can then remotely connect to your PC and configure the camera from your PC).

1/28/2025 1:11:06 PM

 Why do I keep seeing repeated "Motion Detected on Camera" on Event Center? The camera is set on timer. No motion notification is enabled.

just changed cam to one image per hour. but the goal id 4 o5 5 cams, 1 image per minute.  .

1/29/2025 10:58:04 AM

 clarification 4 or 5

1/29/2025 10:59:36 AM

If you use a regular IP camera (NVR), the actual motion detection is performed by the device. If a device is set for motion-triggered recording, and if it uploaded an image/video after "x" minutes of no activities, then it is treated as a motion event by the server. You can customize the motion detection interval ("x" minutes). To lower the frequency, you can set a longer interval.

You can also disable motion alerts completely, or set a motion alert schedule so that you will not receive any alerts during the night time. Please see the screenshot below. It has some other options as well, such as: Daily camera reports and camera offline notification (email me if this camera has no activities for 6 hours)

1/29/2025 11:15:19 AM

User: CameraFTPSupport  -  1/29/2025 11:15:19 AM

If you use a regular IP camera (NVR), the actual motion detection is performed by the device. If a device is set for motion-triggered recording, and if it uploaded an image/video after "x" minutes of no activities, then it is treated as a motion event by the server. You can customize the motion detection interval ("x" minutes). To lower the frequency, you can set a longer interval.

You can also disable motion alerts completely, or set a motion alert schedule so that you will not receive any alerts during the night time. Please see the screenshot below. It has some other options as well, such as: Daily camera reports and camera offline notification (email me if this camera has no activities for 6 hours)

To the best of my understanding. my camers is not set send on motion detection, camera is not set to send notification of motion detection triggers. Motion detection trigger alerts can only be enabled to be sent via email. The camera allows 5 individua different triggers. All but the one set for FTP are disabled. A trigger can be set for Save to internal memory, email send or ftp. Motion alerts via email is a separate setting.for each of the 5 possible trigger setups.

The camera is sending images. CameraFTP is recognizing sent images as motion detection allert

Maybe this is just the way the system responds because I have not yet set up a subscription & payment method. Hope to do that this evening. 

I'm working outside on this warm day triming branches in the line of sight of a camera and trying to clean the outbuildind window.

I'm not entire sure I understand how my physical camera is tied to a My Cameras setup on the CameraFTP page. I set up one camera, seemed to work. than I asigned the camera a name, Then CameraFTP was showing 2 cameras. That's not happening now. Only one camera was sending. Only one Default camera shows up on My Cameras.


1/29/2025 12:46:31 PM

User: Johnny37  -  1/29/2025 12:46:31 PM

User: CameraFTPSupport  -  1/29/2025 11:15:19 AM

If you use a regular IP camera (NVR), the actual motion detection is performed by the device. If a device is set for motion-triggered recording, and if it uploaded an image/video after "x" minutes of no activities, then it is treated as a motion event by the server. You can customize the motion detection interval ("x" minutes). To lower the frequency, you can set a longer interval.

You can also disable motion alerts completely, or set a motion alert schedule so that you will not receive any alerts during the night time. Please see the screenshot below. It has some other options as well, such as: Daily camera reports and camera offline notification (email me if this camera has no activities for 6 hours)

To the best of my understanding. my camers is not set send on motion detection, camera is not set to send notification of motion detection triggers. Motion detection trigger alerts can only be enabled to be sent via email. The camera allows 5 individua different triggers. All but the one set for FTP are disabled. A trigger can be set for Save to internal memory, email send or ftp. Motion alerts via email is a separate setting.for each of the 5 possible trigger setups.

The camera is sending images. CameraFTP is recognizing sent images as motion detection allert

Maybe this is just the way the system responds because I have not yet set up a subscription & payment method. Hope to do that this evening. 

I'm working outside on this warm day triming branches in the line of sight of a camera and trying to clean the outbuildind window.

I'm not entire sure I understand how my physical camera is tied to a My Cameras setup on the CameraFTP page. I set up one camera, seemed to work. than I asigned the camera a name, Then CameraFTP was showing 2 cameras. That's not happening now. Only one camera was sending. Only one Default camera shows up on My Cameras.


How can I set up for some camers on timers and some on motion detection? Seem like they all have to be configured the same, do I need seperate accounts? 

1/29/2025 12:53:58 PM

>>> How can I set up for some camers on timers and some on motion detection?

You just need to order multiple subscriptions with different recording parameters. For example, you can order a continuous image recording plan (i.e. the camera will upload periodically at 1 image per x seconds based on the timer); you can then order a motion-recording plan (i.e. the camera will upload at 1 image per x seconds only when it detects a motion).

Before you configure your camera, please log in to website, go to My Cameras page, click Add to add a camera (folder). then click the Settings icon below the camera thumbnail. It will display the Camera Properties page. You can find the detailed FTP (and SMTP) information to be configured to your camera.

It is important to use the correct FTP password when configuring your camera. Each camera license includes a different FTP password. Please make sure each camera is bound with a camera license. Note the system cannot automatically configure your camera device. You need to configure your device based on the FTP information provided in the Camera Properties page. If each camera device is configured this way, then they will upload to different camera folders.




1/29/2025 1:08:29 PM

I may have used the CameraFTP webpage password for the Camera FTP settings. I think there was another password specfied in CameraFTP's page of suggested camera settings. 

1/29/2025 1:53:42 PM

User: CameraFTPSupport  -  1/29/2025 1:08:29 PM

>>> How can I set up for some camers on timers and some on motion detection?

You just need to order multiple subscriptions with different recording parameters. For example, you can order a continuous image recording plan (i.e. the camera will upload periodically at 1 image per x seconds based on the timer); you can then order a motion-recording plan (i.e. the camera will upload at 1 image per x seconds only when it detects a motion).

Before you configure your camera, please log in to website, go to My Cameras page, click Add to add a camera (folder). then click the Settings icon below the camera thumbnail. It will display the Camera Properties page. You can find the detailed FTP (and SMTP) information to be configured to your camera.

It is important to use the correct FTP password when configuring your camera. Each camera license includes a different FTP password. Please make sure each camera is bound with a camera license. Note the system cannot automatically configure your camera device. You need to configure your device based on the FTP information provided in the Camera Properties page. If each camera device is configured this way, then they will upload to different camera folders.




OK. I just re read and absorbed where you said:

"It is important to use the correct FTP password when configuring your camera. Each camera license includes a different FTP password. Please make sure each camera is bound with a camera license. Note the system cannot automatically configure your camera device. You need to configure your device based on the FTP information provided in the Camera Properties page. If each camera device is configured this way, then they will upload to different camera folders."

I was doing it wrong



1/29/2025 8:04:49 PM

Great. Please let us know if you need any more help. You can also contact us via email for any account-specific issues. (This support forum is public) 

1/30/2025 9:53:52 AM

 As far as I can tell, I have not enabled motion detection on my cameras. Does CameraFTP itself detect motion from differences in the image frames sent.

 I don;t understand why CameraFTP reports Motion Detection Events when my cameras are only sending timed one image per minute


2/1/2025 12:00:55 PM

If you use a regular IP camera (or NVR), then CameraFTP system does not detect motions. Instead, the motion detection is done by the camera device. If the device detected a motion and upload an image or video clip to the cloud, and if the device has not uploaded for a while, then it is treated as a new motion event by the CameraFTP system. If you use CameraFTP VSS software as a virtual NVR, or if you use CameraFTP Mobile Security Camera app for Android/iOS, then the motion detection is done by the app.

Note: one of your cameras is uploading continuously. The second one also seems to be uploading continuously. But there might be a problem with the second one: The camera uploads files with the same file name. This will result in older files being overwritten by the latest file. Please configure the camera to append the timestamp to the file name, or append a unique sequence number to the file name. 

2/1/2025 9:52:37 PM

 To the best of my understandind the cams should be sending one image per minute. I've sat down to treek these things several times over several days. I didn.t keep a log of exactly when I did what. If they are as of now presently still now sending continuously, they are not doing what they are set to do. The setting for the Panasonic camera is clear and ovbious. One minute buffer one image. The setting for the D-ling has 2 boxes to select from, one box for  for single diget seconds per frame, It's set fpr 60 seconds per frame. 

Ive just changer the Panasonics Overwight setting to "Save as new file with time stamp"

I'm running out of time to either get this working. If the cams are still ending other than once a minute, what subscription level would match what their sending.

If everything is correct as of last adjustment I got 2 more Panasnics to add, bind, or associat with the subscription



2/2/2025 1:27:48 PM

 As a precaution I have disabled a timer on the panasonic that was only to send to internal memory. There are 5 triggers that can be set individualy to save to, internal camera memory, email, FTP. Each of the 5 triggers can be enabled(on) or disabled (off). only the trigger for FTP is enabled.

2/2/2025 1:47:13 PM

User: Johnny37  -  2/2/2025 1:47:13 PM

 As a precaution I have disabled a timer on the panasonic that was only to send to internal memory. There are 5 triggers that can be set individualy to save to, internal camera memory, email, FTP. Each of the 5 triggers can be enabled(on) or disabled (off). only the trigger for FTP is enabled.

 I responded to your email.with more info  You missed a message sent from here. I repeated the text of the last 2 messages sent, slightle eddeied

I keep tweeking settings with no log of eactly what I did at what hour. If the cameras are not both now sending one image per minute, I don't know what else to do. I checked all the settings. One image per minite on Panasonoc  or 60 seconds per frame per frame.on D-link. This afternoon I altered the Panasonic to append time & date to file.  

2/2/2025 3:56:26 PM

 6:40 PM Chicago time. Regardless of how many ways these 2 cams may have been set up wrong in the past several days as I try to figure this stuff out. As of now, I look at "My Cameras> and click on the file folder Icon for each camera. The files for each camera appear to be 1 minute apart. As far as I can tell its working as it should. One image per minute of 2 cameras. 2 more cams will be set up the same, for a totsl of 4 cams sending each one image per minute,

2/2/2025 4:41:14 PM

 Upped,subscription to 5 cams sending 1 image er minute. Motion detection is not enablrd in the cameras. I've had error messages that the careras are sending continuously ot the last 2 installes have sent frames in 1 to 3 seconds less than a full minute. This might be the best I can do. If it ain't right, maybe it can't be

2/2/2025 11:40:29 PM

I checked your account, everything looks good now. There is one very small issue: your ordered motion-recording plans. Your cameras need to be configured to upload only when a motion is detected. However, in your particular case, I think it is fine as the price happens to be the same for the motion or continuous recording plans.

If you have any more questions, please email us as this message thread is already so long. Thank you.

2/3/2025 12:53:19 AM

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