Save 90% on your FTP server hardware, software and hosting! Get a complete FTP solution incl. FTP Server, Client & FTP Hosting instantly; plus FREE 1GB FTP space!

CameraFTPFTP Server is a feature-complete FTP Server. You can use any FTP client on any OS platform (incl. Mac and Linux) to access Custom domain FTP is also supported.

Moreover, CameraFTPFTP Server has lots of high-end features:
  • Create/manage FTP sub-accounts from a web browser;
  • Access files (anonymously) with FTP/HTTP/SSL or web browser;
  • Drag and drop files / folders without installing any client software using Windows Explorer (My Computer), just enter:
  • Drag and drop files / folders using CameraFTPFile Explorer: Easier, faster, more features & secure.
  • Share files and set different access permissions;
  • Automatic folder synchronization;
  • SSL and Encrypted folder for ultimate security and privacy.
  • Custom domain FTP Server and customized website logo and landing page.(view sample).

CameraFTPFTP Server uses high-end RAID storage systems, redundant server equipments and redundant sets of data to ensure high reliability.

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Feature / price comparison of CameraFTPRemote FTP Server vs. in-house FTP Server. CameraFTPFTP Server is many times better!
Features & Cost CameraFTPRemote FTP Server Solution In-house / Self-hosted FTP Server Solution
Starting Cost $0-29.9/month, $299/year for VOSI-5 plan, which includes far more features than just an FTP Server $1000-3000 or more: Must buy FTP server machine & software; also need to setup / configure / manage the FTP server
FTP Server Management and Maintenance Cost Low: easy web-based administrative tool, no IT background required High: Requires a system administrator with IT background, in particular, understands the FTP protocol and firewall security configurations
Estimated Setup Time In just a few minutes More than a few days
FTP Server Backup / Data Backup Cost Low: CameraFTPFTP Server has multiple levels of redundancies. Any single storage / server crash will not cause system downtime or data loss. High: FTP Server must be backed up manually, which will add additional cost. Server crash could cause service down-time or data loss.
Folder synchronization Yes: using CameraFTPFile Explorer client software N/A
Web Access to FTP Server Storage Yes: using www.CameraFTPwebsite No
FTP Client Software Yes: CameraFTP File Explorer client software Not included: Need to order 3rd party FTP client software
FTP Server Performance With CameraFTP File Explorer, it can be many times faster than regular FTP using caching, data compression, automatic resuming and MagicUpload technology. Regular FTP Server performance
Security; File encryption on server Yes supports data encryption on server; also supports HTTPS/SSL/FTP over SSL. Doesn't support data encryption on server; might support FTP over SSL and SFTP

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