Forgot logon info?

Please enter your Username or Registered Email Address to reset your password.

After you click "Reset My Password", it will send a password-reset email to your registered email address. If you don't receive it, make sure to check your junk/bulk mail folder, or contact your email service provider.
(Find XYZ in the above image and enter here, e.g.:
7-1=X, Y+5=7, 3+1=4, 5+Z=7, then XYZ is 622)
Reset My Password

CameraFTP Feature Highlights

- Cloud recording, remote viewing and playback.
- Motion alerts, daily report and event center.
- Share, publish and embed camera viewer in a web page.
- Camera broadcasting, live streaming and time-lapse.
- 7 days to 5 years of retention; fexible service plans.
- No need to configure router, DDNS or port fowarding.
- Compatible with most IP cameras & DVRs.
- Use webcam/smartphone as IP camera.
- Use PC as CCTV DVR with CameraFTP VSS software.

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