CameraFTP Support
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Configure D-link DCS-932L/934L/930L/931L Wireless Camera with CameraFTP for Cloud Recording, Monitoring and Playback

Note: This document is not designed to replace the product manual from the manufacturer. The information is provided as is based on our knowledge of the model DLink DCS-932L, 930L, 931L, 934L. It may not be accurate or up-to-date. In general, users shall contact the manufacturer for technical support.

These Dlink models are very similar. In general, we recommend 932L and 934L, which are almost identical with regards to features. Aesthetically, the 932L is white and 934L is black. D-Link DCS-930L and 931L do not support night vision. If you need to monitor a dark scene, then these two models cannot be used.

These cameras can support image recording at 640x480 or 320x240. The resolution seems to be a little low, however the devices are extremely reliable. The firmware quality is also better than most IP cameras.

Main Features:

  • - 16 feet of night vision
  • - Sound and motion detection
  • - Supports both wired / wireless connections
  • - Very reliable wireless connection
  • - Supports motion-triggered image recording and continuous image recording
  • - Supports image recording from 3 images/s to 1 image/minute
  • - These cameras don't support video/audio recording by themselves. However, video & audio recording is supported with CameraFTP VSS
  • - Fully compatible with the Entry Image Plan and Standard Image Plan.
  • - Supports the lowest image recording plan at $1.50/month (Customize to 320x240, 1 image/3s, motion recording)

Step 1: Setup the Camera – Find the Camera’s IP Address

Please refer to the manufacturer’s manual for more detailed information.

Turn on the camera; connect the camera with a network router using an Ethernet cable.

( Alternatively, you can connect the camera to your Wireless Access Point using WPS. Most Wi-Fi Access Points support WPS. Press and hold the WPS button on your camera for about 6 seconds, then quickly press the WPS button on your Wi-Fi Access Point and hold for about 2 seconds. In about 1 minute, you can see the camera's status light changes to solid green, indicating it is connected to the Wi-Fi network. )

From a PC in the same network, insert the camera’s software CD and install the setup wizard. After it is installed, run the Setup Wizard. You will see the screen like below:

Click on “Search” to find the D-link camera in the same network.

If your computer does not have a CD/DVD drive, you can download CameraFTP VSS software to find the camera's IP address. You don't have to use VSS after you've found the camera's IP address.

Step 2: Configure the Camera Using the Browser-based Configuration Tool

Open a web browser and access the Camera’s configuration page at: .
(Please replace the IP address with the real IP address found using the D-Link Search Tool),
log on the configuration tool. According to the manual, the default username is admin and the password is blank (empty).

Step 3: Set the Image Resolution

Using the camera’s web-based configuration tool, click “Video”, it will allow you to select an image resolution. (See the screenshot above). Please make sure it matches your CameraFTP subscription.

640x480 is the recommended resolution. If you only want to monitor a very small area such as a door, then 320x240 should be just fine.

640x480 is 4 times larger than 320x240, the image quality is much better. This will increase the bandwidth and storage usage by about 4 times.

Step 4: Wireless Setup

If your Wi-Fi Access Point supports WPS, you can easily connect the camera using WPS. Otherwise, you can Click on “Wireless Setup”, and then click on “Site Survey”. You will find a list of Wireless Networks. Select your wireless router’s SSID in the list and enter the correct authentication credentials. Your camera will be connected to your wireless network.

Step 5: Setup CameraFTP Service

If you don’t have an account on, please visit and sign up a free trial account. offers 3-day free trial. After 3 days, you need to order a paid subscription to continue using the service.

Assuming you have an account on, then click on the “FTP” tab on the left-hand side. You will see the screen below.

Check the checkbox “Enable uploading images to the FTP server”. “Motion Detection” is recommended.

If you select “Always”, then please select an upload interval that matches your CameraFTP subscription. For example, if your subscription allows a max upload frequency of 1 image / 2 seconds, then select the “Image Frequency” to 2 Seconds/Frame. Entering an incorrect number may get your account blocked.

Configure Motion Detection Area: If you enable motion detection, then you must click "Motion Detection" in the left-hand side and configure the motion detection area. To do so, you need to install Java, which is quite hard. To avoid installing Java, you have two options: (1) Install CameraFTP Camera Configuration Tool to configure the cameras for you; (2) Order our pre-configured solution and never need to worry about camera configuration.

For the FTP settings, please enter the following information:

  • Host name: (or IP:
  • port: 21
  • FTP User / Password: FTP username is your CameraFTP username, FTP password is available in Configure IP Cameras page. (Your CameraFTP password may also work).
  • FTP Path/Folder: /YourCameraName
  • Passive Mode:
    Yes. (Note Active FTP is often blocked by routers. Please use Passive Mode, or PASV)

Your Camera Name is created on website when you add a new camera. (See the screenshot below)

Click on the” Test” button to test your FTP setup.

If it is successful, congratulations, you are done! If not, you can click on the Status tab to find more detailed error information.

About Motion Detection:
  • - If you check the radio button “Always”, then the camera will keep uploading images to CameraFTP site. It will use more storage space and bandwidth. It may also slow down your Internet connection.
  • - If you check the radio button of “Motion Detection” (It is recommended), then images will be uploaded only if the camera detects some motion activities (events). It reduces the bandwidth usage so that the camera will be less likely to slow down your network. It is the recommended setting.
  • - You must configure a motion detection area, which requires Java to be installed.

Video & Audio Recording
  • - These cameras don't support video/audio recording by themselves.
  • - You can use CameraFTP VSS software on a PC to upload video clips.

You can then remove the Ethernet cable. If you need to make changes, you can run the “IP Camera Tool” again to find the camera’s IP address (as it may change), and then access the camera’s configuration page.

You can to monitor or play back your recorded images from anywhere.

You can also download CameraFTP Viewer App for iOS, Android, Windows Store and Windows Phone.

Cannot get it to work? Please read our Trouble-shooting Guide.